
A close up of a black pump on a white background.

Stenner's SVP 4-40mA Pump

The SVP Series is a variable speed pump with manual or automatic control.

The SVP Series variable speed peristaltic injection pump is adjustable, has a DC motor and a detachable pump head. It features a rugged polycarbonate housing, heavy-duty gear motor and LED display with a four button control pad for easy operation.

The SVP is categorized into two sub-series, SVP1 and SVP4. The SVP1 is manually adjusted using the keypad. The SVP4 is designed to respond directly to a 4-20mA input signal from water treatment controls including pH and ORP monitors to maintain proper water chemistry and treatment of effluent discharge water. The SVP4 is equipped with an external port to accept the signal or it can override the 4-20 mode to be manually adjusted with the arrows on the keypad.

The SVP4's ability to accept a 4-20mA signal to pace the pump makes it well suited for the industrial user and municipal water treatment and wastewater treatment plants. Municipalities that supply potable water to residential and commercial sites require treatment of the well or surface water source they use. The SVP can inject sodium hypochlorite or other related disinfectants or meter solutions to oxidize problem water such as excessive levels of iron, manganese, and hydrogen sulfide which can cause staining and rotten egg odor.

  • Treatment of return wastewater before it can be processed for further usage.
  • Injection of liquid biocides in cooling towers for prevention of Legionnaires disease.
  • Corrosion, scale, and algae control on plumbing fixtures and water supply equipment.
  • Metering additives specific to a manufacturing process.
  • pH control for process water or metal plating discharge water.
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