
There are two different types of pumps on a white background.

Stenner's Econ

TD Series

Timed Dosing Control with Econ TD Injection Pump Electric and Battery-Powered

Stenner has expanded the Econ T programmable timer pump series with the introduction of the Econ TD pump line. The Econ TD is designed for 5 psi or less timed applications for commercial drain line maintenance, grease trap treatment or odor control installations. The Econ TD is available as an electric-powered or battery-powered pump. D-limonene can be injected with either model using the FKM pump tube. Both models include an LCD display with cover shield and enclosed housing.

How It Works

There are 24 independent programmable on and off events within a 7 day period. The minimum is 1 minute up to a maximum of 23 hours and 59 minutes within each programmed event. Each event can be programmed for a specific ON time and a specific OFF time in increments by hour and minute. The control panel with an LCD display has a programmable clock using a 24 hour format and a battery backup to maintain the internal time and programmed event settings. The display indicators represent the days of the week, operating mode and the events. During operation, the panel displays the current day, time and mode of operation.

Advantages of Stenner's Peristaltic Pumps

  • Solution is not in contact with moving parts.
  • Pump head requires no valves, allows for easy maintenance.
  • Self-priming against maximum working pressure, foot valve not required.
  • Pump does not lose prime or vapor lock.
  • Pumps off-gassing solutions and can run dry.
  • Output volume is not affected by back pressure.
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