
A peristaltic pump and a digital timer on a white background.

Stenner's Econ

T Series

Programmable pump with automatic dosing control for timed applications, describes the Econ T to a tee.

The Econ T provides a 24 event control capability with an integral timer in a compact pump for light duty applications requiring a dosing schedule. Injection of enzymes for drain line maintenance in commercial kitchens or convenience stores helps avoid costly visits from grease trap clearing companies. Biocide feed for Legionella prevention in small cooling towers, sanitation for water fountains or injecting liquid solar blankets or enzymes in commercial pools are a few of the applications for the Econ T. 

The Econ T can be utilized for livestock water treatment.

  • Continuous delivery of live vaccines; no water consumption calculations necessary.
  • Scheduled injection for scale and algae control for evaporative of cool cells.
  • Repeatable chemical dosing for effective poultry hatchery dip tank disinfection.
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