
A pump with a motor and gauges on it

Process Metering Pumps

Process metering pumps are used in all applications where corrosive, toxic and flammable liquids are metered under very high pressures and extreme temperatures. They are e.g. used in the chemical industry, petrochemical industry, refineries as well as oil and gas production or as special metering pumps in the process industry.

High-power process metering pump series complete the metering pump portfolio of ProMinent in the high-end segment. The hydraulics, diaphragm and plunger process metering pumps of ProMinent with their robust design guarantee reliable operation, even under the most demanding conditions.

  • Thanks to their modular design, the diaphragm, hydraulic diaphragm and plunger metering pumps can be flexibly matched to any conditions at the site.
  • Depending on the demands, the pumps can be used at extremely high pressures of more than 3,000 bar and product temperatures ranging between -40°C and +400°C.
  • Furthermore, a metering of high- to highest-viscosity liquids with a dynamic viscosity of up to 1,000,000mPas is possible.

Operating safety and availability

Because of their compression-rigid characteristic, a very precise metering is possible. The requirements pursuant to API 675 on oscillating displacement pumps with adjustable stroke volume can be absolutely complied with. These specifications of the American Petroleum Institute serve as one of the most important guidelines in refineries and in the petroleum and natural gas industry. The long service life of the diaphragm and the plunger guarantees a maintenance- and trouble-free operation. Hermetically sealed metering units and adequately resistant materials provide for a problem-free delivery of aggressive media. The process metering pumps of the series MF are self-priming even at large heights thanks to their special mechanical/hydraulic properties.

Areas of application

Process metering pumps in industries such as for example

  • Chemical
  • Petrochemical / refineries
  • Oil and gas production
  • Special metering pumps in process industry,

the valve less control plunger pump as high-end filling pump for

  • Foodstuff

- confectionary
- dairy products

  • Cosmetics industry / pharmaceutical industry
  • Special metering pumps for high-viscosity media.

This pump even delivers high- and highest-viscosity media with a viscosity of more than 1,000,000mPas. Hydraulic diaphragm process metering pumps, which are designed for highest pressure of more than 3,000 bar, are also suitable for LDPE production (LPDE means low density polyethylene and characterizes polyethylene of low density produced under high pressure).

Process metering pump series

  • Diaphragm process metering pumps
  • Hydraulic diaphragm process metering pumps
  • Plunger process metering pumps
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