
An orange fan with a motor attached to it is sitting on a white surface.

Hose pumps of the DULCOflex DFDa series

High flows and high pressures with the DFD series pumps

The DulcoFlex DFD is a hose pump designed for pressures up to 232 psi and flow rates up to 160 gpm. The unique shoe design is made of steel for smoother and cooler compression. The DFD uses safe DulcoLube oil for the shoe lubrication. With suction lifts up to 29 feet, the DulcoFlex DFD is a great choice for difficult pumping applications.


  • Sizes: 25, 32, 40, 60, 70, 100mm
  • Flows to 160 gpm
  • Suction lifts up to 29 ft.
  • Disaster proof hose connections
  • DulcoLube food grade glycerin lubricant
  • Designed heat sink fins for cooler operation
  • Steel shoes for a smoother and cooler compression
  • Run dry capabilities
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