
A device that has the word stop on it

Batch Controllers

Batch controllers are available in two basic configurations. The Model B2 controller is engineered to provide control of the number of cycles produced by a solenoid-controlled AODD pump in a “Batch”. This handheld unit is locally controlled and programmed for individual batching and dispensing operations. The Model 420 controller is engineered to provide speed control of a solenoid-controlled pump that is linearly proportional to an external 4-20 ma signal. Both controllers should be used with our 12VDC solenoids. Solenoids are available in 12VDC, 24VDC, 120VAC or 220VAC and utilize a standard DIN 43650B or DIN 43640C connector, depending on the pump size. In addition to solenoid control, cycle counters are available on all pumps.

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